C++ Program To Make Calulator For Arithmetic Operator(+,_,*,/) OOP | Globaleducore.com
Write a C++ program create a calculator for an arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /). The program should take two operands from user and performs the operation on those two operands depending upon the operator entered by user. Use a switch statement to select the operation. Finally, display the result. Some sample interaction with the program might look like this: Enter first number, operator, second number: 10 / 3 Answer = 3.333333 Do another (y/n)? y Enter first number, operator, second number: 12 + 100 Answer = 112 Do another (y/n)?
C++ Programme To Make Calculator For Arithmetic Operators
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class number { public : float a,b; char ch; char get(); void display(); float add(); float sub(); float mul(); float div(); number(); number(int m,int n ); number(number&n1); ~number(); }; number::~number() { cout<<"\n Constructor Is Destroyed"; } number::number(int m,int n ) { a=m; b=n; cout<<"\nparameterized const is called"; } number::number(number &n1) { cout<<"\ncopy is called:"; a=n1.a; b=n1.b; } char number:: get() { cout<<"\nEnter Any Two Nos."; cin>>a>>ch>>b; return ch; } void number:: display() { cout<<"\nTwo Nos. are"<<"\n"<<a<<"\n"<<b; } float number:: add() { return a+b; } float number:: sub() { return a-b; } float number:: mul() { return a*b; } float number:: div() { return a/b; } number::number(){a=10 ;b=20;cout<<"\ndefault const is called";} int main() { number n; n.display(); char ch,op; number n1(20,30); n1.display(); number n2(n1); n2.display(); do { ch=n.get(); switch(ch) { case '+': cout<<"\nAddition Is:"<<n.add(); break; case '-': cout<<"\nSubstraction Is:"<<n.sub(); break; case '*': cout<<"\nMultiplication Is:"<<n.mul(); break; case '/': cout<<"\nDivision Is:"<<n.div(); break; } cout<<"\ndo you want to continue (Y)"; cin>>op; } while(op=='Y'||op=='y'); } Expected Output: default const is called Two Nos. are 10 20 parameterized const is called Two Nos. are 20 30 copy is called: Two Nos. are 20 30 Enter Any Two Nos.10 50 do you want to continue (Y)
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